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Miller's Short Stack Strategy

Ed Miller has a new article up in CardPlayer. The text can be found online at:

The article is about playing short stack, a follow-up on Miller's famous short stack strategy described in Getting Started in Hold 'em, Miller's second book. Here's an escerpt:

"...if you have $100 and everyone else at the table has $1,000, you actually have an advantage over your opponents. In fact, you have two major advantages."

"...Playing short allows you to face a uniform stack size (yours), and enables you to benefit when your opponents face mixed-stack situations."

"...the second advantage of having the short stack at the table; you can gain fold equity without risk."

"...The peddlers of the biggest myth will tell you that having a shorter stack than everyone else puts you at a disadvantage. Not only are they wrong, but the opposite is true. No matter what stack size you play, you enjoy advantages when your opponents play much deeper stacks."
Read the whole article on short stack strategy >>

All of Miller's Card Player articles are online here and here.