Poker Made Simple: No Limit Starting Hand Chart
Miller has 22 articles in the Poker Made Simple series on his poker advice column. Here's a recap of some of those articles organized the way The Fan feels is best, along with quotes from the NPA:
The No Limit Starting Hand Chart
"For the chart I’ll assume we’re playing 10-handed and that the stacks are mostly roughly 100BB."
- The Button
"When everyone folds to you on the button, you can play loose, and you should essentially always open-raise."
"If you have one limper, and he’s bad, then you can play almost as if you’re opening the pot. Play the loose range listed above (perhaps slightly tighter), and raise with it. If he’s good, then obviously tighten up a bit, but you can still play loose with position."
"Against a single raiser, you can play fairly loosely still against an aggressive or bad player. Don’t call with weak offsuit hands, though."
"A raise and a reraise usually means a strong hand is out against you, and the SPR will be low. That means you can’t play loose anymore" Read more about The Button >> - The Blinds
"Here’s my advice: Don’t play." - Early Position Standards
"In general, you simply don’t want to play in early position." "So I’ll recommend playing pocket pairs, AK, AQ, and some of the big suited hands in early position. Occasionally you can mix it up with a hand like T9s, but basically stick to those hands." - Playing in Early Position
"You are vulnerable in early position, even with a strong hand." "Against bad players, you want to make big raises (as much as the table is generally calling) with big hands.""If your opponents are tougher and use position well enough to put you in difficult situations post-flop, then play more cautiously." Read more about Playing in Early Position >> - Middle Position Standards
"In middle position (the next two seats after early position), I still recommend you play tight, but if your game is good you can mix things up just a bit." - Playing in Middle Position
"When opening the pot from middle position, I recommend generally that you raise." "If there’s one limper, I’m also likely to raise... Against two or more limpers, I’ll sometimes limp along as well." " If my hand is strong enough to play, I tend just to call if I’m the first into the pot after the raise." Read more about Playing in Middle Position >> - Cutoff Standards
"The cutoff is a flexible position. The better control you have over your opponents, and the bigger your hand-reading edge over them, the looser you can play." - Playing In The Cutoff
"If You’re Opening The Pot...
Raise. While theoretically situations can arise where you might want to limp in from the cutoff, in practice you’ll usually want to raise."
"If there’s only one limper, I tend to raise also."
"I recommended just calling if you’re first in after a raise." Read more about Playing In The Cutoff >>