...fan blog dedicated to the noted poker authority, Ed Miller, author of fantastic poker books...

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Ed Miller's Newest Book Excerpt Available

Want a taste of Miller's newest book, Professional No Limit Hold'Em, written with Matt Flynn and Sunny Mehta, before it comes out? Take a look at the excerpt delivered by the publisher, Two Plus Two:

"When analyzing a hand like this one, people tend to look at their postflop and preflop decisions as entirely separate. It's as if the flop creates a wall that the human brain cannot see through. The brain instinctively focuses on postflop play to see if a different betting sequence would work better. Sometimes, with a little encouragement, it also thinks about preflop play, but usually only to decide whether it was reasonable or not. Here you opened the pot by raising to three times the big blind. That's reasonable. So the problem must be postflop, right?"

"No. The problem is that mental wall. Preflop and postflop play are never independent."
Read the whole excerpt in the Two Plus Two web magazine.

(Rumor has it the excerpt was chosen without author input. Moreover, rumor is that the usual magazine article royalty wasn't paid to any authors. But... that's just a rumor. And... the article royalty is a measly $200 or so... Might not be true.)