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Ed Miller's No Limit Tool Box Redux

Ed Miller's No Limit Tool Box Series is excellent. He's still got more coming, but here's a recap of the articles so far with the plays below:

  1. The PreFlop Squeeze
  2. The Light PreFlop 3-Bet
  3. The Continuation Bet
  4. The Flop OverBet SemiBluff
  5. The Call Bluff

The Play: The Preflop Squeeze
How It Works: Someone raises, and a few people call. You put in a big bluff reraise, everyone folds, and you pick up the pot.
Read the PreFlop Squeeze explanation and examples at Noted Poker Authority -->

"The Play: The Light Preflop 3-Bet
How It Works: Someone raises, and you have position on them (and are on the button or near it). You put in a semi-bluff reraise, everyone folds, and you pick up the pot."
Read the Light PreFlop 3-Bet explanation and example at Noted Poker Authority -->

"The Play: The Continuation Bet
How It Works: You raise (or reraise) preflop and get called by one or more players. After the flop it is checked to you, and you bet whether you hit the flop or not."
Read the Continuation Bet explanation and example at Noted Poker Authority -->

"The Play: The Flop Overbet Semibluff
How It Works: You flop a draw. Your opponent bets, and you move all-in as a semibluff."
Read the Flop Overbet Semibluff explanation and example at Noted Poker Authority -->

"The Play: The Call Bluff
How It Works: You have position on a lone, aggressive opponent. Your opponent bets a small percentage of the remaining stacks. You have a marginal hand, but you call. The next round, your opponent checks, you bet, and she folds."
Read the Call Bluff explanation and example at Noted Poker Authority -->

You can read the entire series at the NPA poker blog. Also worth a look: Seven Easy Steps to No Limit Hold'em Success. Start with Step 1: Play Tight.